Monday, May 12, 2014

Called to the Work

Just as John, We are Called to the Work
Since the age change, there has been a huge influx of missionary work not only within the field but for the members too. Some missionaries are leaving right out of high school. Many sisters who never thought of serving a mission, have suddenly found themselves called to the work. We are so often taught that we must increase our light and understanding so that we will be able to share it with others.
In the Bible Dictionary John is explained as one who “filled his mission in every particular” From the time before he came to earth, he had a call to prepare the way for Jesus Christ. Each of us have the opportunity to become more like John, for he truly was a missionary of great worth to the world. We are each called to the work. Weather it be within our home and ward, or across the world, there is work to be done.
John was called to prepare the world for our Savior’s coming. He taught the people of Christ, who He is and what He was coming to do. He baptized them in His name. He opened the door for so many people to see the light of Christ. We too are called to prepare the world for His coming. For He will come again. In this last dispensation, He will come. As members of His church, we are called to prepare the way for Him.
We, like John, must open doors. We must create opportunities. We must tell the world of what we know, for we know the truth. “With great power comes great responsibility.” As those with knowledge of His gospel, it is our responsibility, our calling to share what we know. It is our responsibility to follow John, and prepare the way for our Savior Jesus Christ.

The Kingdom of Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven
Just in Reach
In Matthew four we are called to repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matt 4:17). Soon after our Lord’s encounter with Lucifer, and His conversation with God, Christ begins to preach. I feel that His choice of subject is of great importance. It is after He had both been in the lowest of lows and highest of highs that He chooses to teach the people to repent. He knows how Satan works; He knows how he tries to bring us down every day. So Christ reminds us of the reason we must choose to withstand and overcome Satan in our lives. “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” He has so much in store for us, and it is all within our grasp. Mormons are often accused with following the gospel in blind obedience. President Boyd K. Packer explains that “We are not obedient because we are blind, but we are obedient because we can see.” He has given us everything. Through the atonement we have been given the chance to overcome all evil, and become like our Savior through repentance. If we could truly see all that we are being offered, that the kingdom of heaven is within our reach, how could we choose anything other than His path? “It’s true isn’t it? Then what else matters?” (President Gordon B. Hinckley). When reading Matthew 4:17 I came to a clearer understanding of this principle. I recognized that Heavenly Father gave us His son. He gave us His only begotten, who offers all that His Father, and our Father has. We are being given everything. I hope to be strong enough to choose His path. I hope to follow His counsel, and repent. I hope to follow His example and learn to overcome Satan, and His temptations. I hope that each day I will be able to recognize how close the Kingdom of Heaven truly is. I hope to reach my potential.